Yes, I hate clowns. Get over it. 
    Step 1: The laugh, the crazed smile, that obnoxious bike horn. The thought of clowns of just makes me want to throw up! I have no idea what genius thought that someone with freakishly large feet, permanent, exaggerated expressions, and basically everything that connects them to a druggie would make children laugh or make them want to eat their food! Sorry McDonalds, Ronald is a creeper-face.
  Step 2 :Although my fear is not exactly paralyzing, it kind of is. They make my skin crawl and when I'm in the presence of one, real, fake, or picture, I just start squirming which makes it harder for me to run away. It can also interfere with my sleep. After a lovely little child learned of my fear, they decided to share, in detail, the story of It which gave me nightmares for many weeks.

       Step 3:1984 is a book based on fear. The government uses the fear of the people to keep them loyal. The fear that your every move and thought can be monitored and then punished for them would be enought to keep almost anyone from rebelling. Those that do choose to rebel are then faced with Room 101, their greatest fear, to return them to loving Big Brother and helping the Party.
      Step 4: All of the members in 1984's society are affected through the fear the government induces. If you are caught doing something wrong through the 24/7 monitoring of the telescreens, you are likely to be swiftly vaporized. The people who don't yeild to that are then forced to face Room 101 and denounce their rebellious selves and learn to contribute positively to society.          
 Step 5: Winston, through the beginning of the book defies the Party and starts to rebel with Julia. Because he tried to avoid the monitoring, he's not succumbing to that type of fear. When he is taken to the Ministry of Love, he is subjected to his worst fear and, like everyone, crumbles.
      Step 6: Because Winston was unable to hold onto his hope, he lost the one thing he had against the Party. He was unable to die a martyr to help the rebellion but he allowed himself to be affected and changed by the torture. Because of his fear, the antagonist won. The protagonist was so affected by this fear that at the very end, "He loved Big Brother"(3.6.298).
      Step 7:I don't think my fear of clowns could ever possibly get me to recall my beliefs or forsake my loved ones but it could definitely damage me. My very first encounter with clowns traumatized me which is why it is still a fear of mine. 
 3 years old and at the circus for the very first time! I was so excited until I got chased. If I had just seen the clown, yeah, that's scary. But the way he stretched his face into a gruesome smile and then came towards me, that's what scarred my poor little mind. If a clown doesn't have enough sense to understand that a kicking and screaming little kid trying to take refuge behind their mother's legs is scared of them, goodness sakes, man!

  Step 8: If there were a possible way to face my fear, it would have to be very gradual. It would have to start with a minimally make-upped clown and slowly get scarrier. I couldn't just jump right into the circus.
    Step 9: Um.... No. I wouldn't be able to do it. I don't really have a reason to need to stop hating clowns. I'm okay with never going to the circus.
2/6/2013 12:31:35 am

I really liked you article :) it was very funny and you made good points.

2/6/2013 12:39:12 am

I agree with your fear! I think clowns are unnatural and obscene.

madison n
2/6/2013 12:52:40 am

i agree completely. and those pictures are gonna give me nightmares

Jackson B.
2/6/2013 01:08:58 am

Your first clown picture is terrifying!


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    February 2013

